Redbee Player React/Redux integration

Redbee player integrated into the page, using a local redux provider (via createPlayerContext) with minimal control UI (using react Aria)

Original Vercel bootstrap page

Default landing page created by the "createApp" helper. Uses regular CSS and CSS variables, supports light/dark themes

TailwindCSS Vercel bootstrap page (almost)

The default landing page, but adapted to use TailwindCSS in order to familiarize myself with it. It maps the same CSS variables into Tailwind colorspace, and also supports light/dark themes

Pokemon infinite scroll list

A clean implementation of the RTK Query createApi pattern, with SSR pre-rendering. The pre-render uses the same tools/api than the client-side components; on the server side, the component uses a simple mechanism to initiate the api call, wait for the results, renders the component with those (100 entries). This data is then communicated to the client-side via next-redux-wrapper & re-hydrated into the client store, which do not need to ask for that data again

Redux Counter example

Two counters are defined in the sample redux AppSlice; one is not persistent (so every page reload will reset it). The other one is persistent - via cookies - so it persists reloads. And furthermore given it uses cookies, the SSR rendering uses the proper data too